No more excuses.
The election is over. The fiscal cliff has been avoided. Yes, there are still political maneuverings and economic and tax and fiscal policies to be determined. But the direction of the country, at least for the next four years, is clear.
So there can be no more excuses for inaction, no more "wait and see" attitudes. Make the investment in your workforce, in upgrading technology and equipment. Buy the land, break ground. Start the new enterprise, the new initiative.
And those venture capital investments you have been holding off? Do it now.
Charitable contributions? The need has never been greater, and the opportunities for improving our community, our world, are there for you.
No more excuses. Hire. Invest. Contribute. Grow.
If you don't, you, with all of the rest of us, will fall even further behind our economic competitors.
There might not be another chance at economic recovery. Seize the moment.